You’ve probably heard that protecting yourself from COVID-19 means washing your hands for two rounds of the happy birthday song or 20 seconds of another favorite tune.It may seem pretty mundane and simple, but a deep handwash is incredibly lethal to viruses. So why is soap such an effective killer against the novel coronavirus?
Let’s take a closer look at that dollop of soap in your hand. A soap molecule consists of a “head” that is hydrophilic — attracted to water — and a long hydrocarbon “tail” made of hydrogen and carbon atoms that is hydrophobic — or repelled by water. When soap molecules dissolve in water, they arrange themselves into micelles, which are spherical clusters of soap molecules with the water-attracting heads on the outside and water-repelling tails on the inside. The coronavirus has a core of genetic material surrounded by an outer sheath that’s a double layer of fats with protein spikes. This fatty sheath is water-repelling and protects the virus.
Automatic soap dispensers remove the “touch” factor of hand sanitisation and make it so that if there are germs or virus on somebody’s hands, they stay there and are taken care of by the soap or sanitiser. With contact-free design, an automatic dispenser is the most sanitary way to go versus a manual dispenser or a bar of soap.
You can choose a suitable sanitizer dispenser at Siweiyi. Feel free to contact our sale team.
Post time: Apr-29-2022